I was raised in a family in which nurturing touch was everpresent. Besides my parents and younger sister, our extended family included grandmothers, aunts, uncles and cousins, as well as those who I consider ‘family of choice’. I can be sure that I met the requirements described above.  In my teens, I was in a youth…

I saw this photo of a monumentous event. At a Gay Pride parade in Chicago, a group of Christians bravely stood up with/for their Gay and Lesbian brothers and sisters as they countered centuries of homophobia. Imagine the celebration that took place as those whose choice of who they love was disparaged at minimum, demonized at the extreme, read these signs.…

A quote from one of my favorite authors: “Can miles truly separate you from friends… If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?”-Richard Bach I am blessed to be sailing on the love-ship with a crew of heart-y ship mates that hail from all over the world. I was encouraging…

Fear is a funny thing….both ha-ha funny and strange funny. It sneaks up on me in ways that I had never expected and in circumstances I had never considered. I have been able to laugh in its false face, once I have been brave enough to pull off its seemingly sneering mask and perceive it…

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