My friend Lyn Stankavage Hicks offered this wisdom that jumped off the page at me first thing this morning, that beckoned to be shared and expounded upon.

“Imagine – image in! The creative imagination is our highest tool! It has to do with images! Hold pictures of what you want to become! Yes others’ images come around but you don’t have to hold them! Let them go! The images creates feelings, emotions which are the energy moving forward!”
This description surprises me not one bit, coming from Lyn who is an artist whose primary medium is floral. She is the steward of Harmony Hill Gardens whose rolling fields yield forth such exquisite beauty that people get to bring into their own homes and events and venues. Lyn is also, I suspect, an elemental herself, since she comes across at times, as a mischievous faerie…maybe that’s one reason we are friends.  Her Lotus Project brings in folks for workshops, drumming circles, concerts and classes, bridging the creative and natural worlds.
I have discovered in my own creative endeavors that what I first conjure up in my ever vividly growing imagination, I am better able to see come to fruition. I program my sleeping dreams by visualizing what I want to experience during shut-eye time and often, my nocturnal movie screen is filled with images that delight me as I see my visions play out as if I am experiencing them first hand.  Who’s to say I’m not? When I wake up each morning and set my intention, I do the same thing and bring to mind specific interactions I desire, even going so far as to hear the phone ringing with certain voices on the other end, or receving emails from particular people and ta-da! more often than not, those things happen too. Are they happening because I am envisioning them or am I thinking of them because the energy of their occurrence is already in the air? I wonder if  it really matters. I am image-in ing awakening each day smiling in anticipation of doing work that serves the world and delights me. I envision time with loved ones, having fun, laughing, dancing, singing, hugging, talking about what matters most. I conjure thoughts of a fit, healthy body, mind and spirit and take steps to follow through. I allow for rest and easing back,  which is a new skill when I have been so used to surging forward. I visualize easy payment of bills since my financial flow is steady and plentiful. As I sit in my Imaginarium, I can see rainbows of light streaming through the windows, can hear the whisper of Spirit guiding me and know that my visions have already taken shape.
So what are you image-in ing ? Pure Imagination from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
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