Today as I was speaking with a client, he mentioned that he tends to “dwell on” all of the things that could go wrong in his life. I asked him about this ‘dwelling’ and the alternate meaning of the word. He smiled and said that it meant a place to live. I reminded him that when we are ‘dwelling’ on the ‘shoulda, woulda, coulda’s ‘ of the past or the ‘what if’s and if onlies’ of the future that hasn’t yet arrived, then even though our bodies may be in this present here and now moment,  we really aren’t dwelling here. We are just existing because our attention is elsewhere. I rolled back to a thought I had a few days ago. What if this life, as it is now, my current circumstances would be all there is?  What if the dreams and desires that I have for a certain kind of life, would not happen? Could I be ok with it?  Could I accept it or would it always be a point of frustration?  I recognized the mind games I play with myself and was able to just sigh and surrender, knowing that all is in Divine timing and unfolds as is for the Highest Good and then, quite naturally, more way cool things happened.

Tonight I was speaking with my friend Ondreah and  out of the blue, she used the word ‘dwelling’  too and that’s when I knew I needed to write about this concept. She referenced part of her spiritual practice of Siddha Yoga, that has at its core, these three concepts.


“The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.” –Bhagawan Nityananda

“See God in each other.” –Swami Muktananda

“God dwells within you as you.” –Swami Muktananda

How would it be for you to sit in awareness of those ideas? We don’t often think of our hearts as places in which we can roam around. What if it was spacious enough to do that?  Can you expand your spiritual/emotional heart (not necessarily the cardiac muscle) so that it can allow in the people and experiences that come your way without tossing them out simply because they don’t quite fit?

Can you view everyone whose path you cross as if they were emanations of the Divine; even (and especially) those who don’t fit your image of The Everlasting? I face that every time I hold judgement against those whose values are counter to my own. Since we are created in the ‘image and likeness’, who am I to detemine who is ‘like unto God’ and who in my ‘all knowing wise guy’ opinion, just isn’t):?

AND perhaps even the most challenging treatise…seeing ourselves as I have heard it said in New Thought circles as “God in a body.” Blasphemy, according to some, the highest truth they know, to others. As a God spark, how infinite could we possibly be in our thoughts and actions? The ideas that float through our minds now, seem limiting when they could be limitless. How expansive are you willing to be?

Where do you prefer to dwell?


Love After Love

The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door,

in your own mirror and each will smile at the other’s welcome, and say, sit here.


You will love again the stranger who was your self.

Give wine.

Give bread.

Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, w

hom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart.

Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror.


Feast on your life. Love After Love- by Derek Wolcott

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