What if you were offered a map/guide/compass to this land called Love in which you could immerse yourself in its healing waters, scale its beautiful peaks, traverse its rainforests, drinking in the luscious aromas, sweet sounds and tantalizing sensations? Would you use it or instead, wander aimlessly in the shadowy caves comprised of familiar/treacherous fears and limiting thoughts about life and relationships? A guide for many in his personal and professional lives, Rob Jacoby has written a book entitled The Map To Love: How To Navigate The Art Of The Heart. For the past 20 years, Jacoby has worked with clients who struggle with daily challenges and this book would provide solace for those who wonder about their own value to the world.
The cover invokes a sense of offering and receptivity, as the figure in the center radiates joy, while being showered with feathers, like so many wafting snowflakes. Of course, this reviewer who loves feathers, has a clown persona named Feather and gives them out regularly, enjoyed that touch. From the get-go, he invokes the idea that LOVE. IS. THE. ANSWER….simple as that. The ooooohhhh ahhhhh oozing of bliss that permeates this easily readible in a short time frame book, reminds me of the style of Rob Brezsny who penned Pronoia Is The Antidote To Paranoia. Playful, funny, irreverent, poignant and two the point, it asks the age old questions about our true identity, the nature of life and what makes us happy. And it answers it succinctly….LOVE. Love and fun are equated and the now is where love resides. When we are mindful of that truth, then the ‘what if’ anxiety and ‘if only’ depression can’t fully kick in.
“The real question,” Jacoby poses is “Are you living in love?” and beckons the reader to become a love magnet. Since we attract what we are, it wold behoove us to splash around in love. He proposes the idea that love and pain go hand in hand and that feeling as if love is lost increases the pain exponentially when we have also loved deeply. He does differentiate between pain and suffering, noting that the first is part of this human experience is essential and the second is optional.
The map referenced in the title is literally part of the book as it contains landmarks, including love, loss, grief and pain for the reader to make their way.
Glorious artwork offered by the clearly talented, Brian MacGregor is influenced, it seems, by his dream studies and practice.
I enthusiastically, joy leapingly encourage you to read this book and you too may find your heart chakra opens wide and you may feel like E.T. with the illumination radiating out from the center of your chest.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=u37z8W5w8Do Love is the Answer-Todd Rundgren