Have you ever heard a calling, a whisper from Mother Nature/Gaia who invited you to pay attention to what was happening around you and make a positive difference? Mare Cromwell who refers to herself as “a plant intuitive, sacred gardner and worm herder” has written a colorfully covered, love splashed book called Messages From Mother….Earth Mother as her response to the beckoning. Mare worked for the National Park Service as a Ranger in the Grand Canyon and Alaska in her early twenties so she has direct connection with the various eco-systems and the necessity to sustain them for the sake of all life. Part of her spiritual path honors Native American tradition.
I met Mare at a women’s conference in Maryland a few weeks ago and immediately sensed a kindred spirit. The book winked up at me from the table and I felt as if the hand on the cover was holding my heart as well. As soon as I left the conference, I immersed in the ‘lucky’ 13 messages that the book encompasses. Mare frames the story in the guise of a young woman named Sarah who is facing major life changes including the ending of a close relationship. As a result, Sarah decides to take a hike in the mountains to heal her heart and her world-weariness.
On the path, she meets a being who she discovers is the one and only Earth Mother who knows her and every living creature by heart. Thus begins a new relationship and awareness of the world around her. Mother shares punny joke and infinite wisdom, asking Sarah to use her voice to speak up for the voiceless and her written communication skills to express vital messages to all those willing to join in the cause of planetary healing. The conversations can feel a little mushy-gushy, but then mother-love is like that sometimes. It is also flavored with serious, detail oriented ideas for caring for ourselves, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It offers insights into concepts such as dying and living, fracking, conflicts and soul woundedness, gratitude, unplugging, taking time to rest and rejuvenate. Two of my favorite chapters were invoking the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as we honor our differences and unity.
Read this book and if you feel so moved, become a midwife for birthing a New Earth.
Her first book is called If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America.