Its cerulean blue, white puffy clouds behind a leaping and shouting high energy dude on the cover is the perfect welcome to the world of “Billy Fingers”, a nickname for William Cohen who died in a car accident a few years earlier.  What happened prior to his passing and what transpired afterward is an adventure of many lifetimes. The scribe for the story is his sister Annie Kagan who is a chiropractor and singer songwriter with a spiritual curiousity that had her studying various traditions and pondering the nature of the Universe. A few weeks after her heroin addicted, homeless 62 year old brother with a penchant for living life in the sometimes gritty fast lane was killed, he began communicating with her from the Other Side. At first she questioned her sanity and wanted to keep the ‘ transfusions from heaven’ as I like to call them, a secret, but little by little, she came to recognize that they were genuinely from her brother. A comfort for her to know that he was well and sharing information that no way he could have conjured up. He had poignant and on- target messages to offer to friends of hers that he had never met, as well as his brother in-law; some designed to save health and lives. For more than a year, these transmissions from Billy took place and Annie documented them; at times pulling back out of fear or desire to keep this time with her beloved brother a treasured secret, so that no one would make fun of either of them. He assured her that the story had to be told and that she need not worry about what anyone thought. Synchronicities  and cosmic coincendences were happening sometimes at the speed of thought.

Time line travel is part of the book as well, as Billy shares ‘remember when’ stories from his earlier years. Family dynamics come into play, since healing and reconciliation around conflicts are evident.  Irreverent humor spices up the dialogue. Deep insights and loving reminders of where we came from and where we are going drench the pages.  Readers can open to any one of them and glean a treasure.


Photo: The Afterlife of Billy Fingers

In the end, it becomes clear that despite the pains and challenges of this human existence, redemption involves shifting of perception and love is all that matters. Book Trailer for The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad -Boy Brother Proved To Me There’s Life After Death

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