One of my favorite things to do is set intention. It is my initial thought each morning even before my feet touch the carpeting to ‘have extraordinary experiences and connect with amazing people.’ Every day I do. Like many of us here, I am a ‘master manna-fester’ who is able to create from faerie dust and whispers of ideas and shape them into tangible reality. My friend Jenny G. Perry calls it something like being a ‘rock star manifester’ which adds a little leather clad, bodice wearing, pointy toed, spike heeled kick to the process. Equally juicy is seeing my wishes, dreams, visions and desires come to fruition. I have witnessed it in the form of people, opportunities, money, jobs, getting to attend workshops and gifts showing up at the speed of thought.
Even with all of this proof, there are moments when I doubt big time that what I want will actually present itself. I have an extremely vivid imagination and can plan out sometimes step by step, a scenario and have been amazed but not surprised when things turn out exactly as I had visualized, down to the words people say and the way they appear when saying them. It leaves me pondering whether I foresaw what had actually transpired or I conjured it up.
Many teachers who offer tools for calling in our hearts’ desires say to act as if it is already present; feeling it, sensing it, experiencing it, knowing it. My challenge at times is that, for example, wanting a relationship partner; I use all of those skills and still, when I glance over at the passenger’s seat, there is not another person sitting there. How then, do we focus on appreciating what we have without paying attention to the lack of it at the moment? For me it is a matter of redirecting my thoughts to the feelings I want to have rather than the form or how they show up. I can call into my awareness how it would be to immerse myself in feeling it all.
Two essential components are gratitude for that which has already come to be as well as thanking in advance for what I am wishing and adding on the words “this or something better for the highest good of all concerned.” And then I release it to the Universe. That is the hardest part since I want what I want when I want it. Can you relate?
Better, it seems to pay heed to the message in the meme so that we can keep our minds and hearts open to all the possibilities that await, if only we give it chance.