I pride myself on knowing lots of words. From the time I was a child, they fascinated me. My mother used to say that I “began speaking at 6 months and haven’t stopped since.” She was right about that. I would chatter and babble about who knows what. My parents were adamant about not using baby talk with us and as a result, my sister and I have been outspoken in our communication as adults. A friend calls it being a ‘verbivore’ who thrives on scarfing up words, both written and verbal. I really do absorb verbiage and even took 3 years of Latin in Jr. and Sr. High School so I could better understand the origin of some of the words in the English language. Although I didn’t know it at the time, I was prepping for becoming a writer; one of my greatest joys and passions.
When I discovered the word ‘quaintrelle’, the delight-receptors in my brain lit up like a Christmas tree. Here was a word that described me to a ‘t’. Colorfully creative in my appearance; I dress in rainbow hues, spike up my hair sometimes, wear glitter on my face, in the appropriate settings. My closet contains clothes that are various textures and fabrics. Throughout my house, shelves are filled with books that inform my brain and take me on inner and outer adventures. Music wafts through the air as it does now as I am writing this blog entry. Walls and furniture are decorated with eclectic items; many gifts from artistically talented friends. Some are reflective of my fusion spiritual practice. Shabbat candles sit side by side with a ceramic blue and white Buddha on my kitchen counter, Tibetan prayer flags and an angel guard the window by my front door with a mezuzah on my door post, a Kwan Yin statue on a living room table, crystals on another table with sage and cards for doing intuitive readings, Goddess imagery and Japa Mala on my altar in my bedroom, butterflies which are highly spiritual to me since they symbolize transformation and resurrection are scattered throughout. They are an ever-present reminder of my mother who passed on November 26th 2010 who before she died, told me that she would come back as a butterfly.
My activities emphasize pleasure as well; dancing, drumming, time in nature, massage, cuddling, singing, making music, indulging in chocolate, being with kindred spirits, playing with children, star gazing and cloud dissolving, sun bathing, lake floating, finger painting, puddle splashing, wild word wrangling among them. My list is ever growing. I immerse in love soup and engage in full sensory living.
As a result, I attract others who choose to engage in this wondrous lifestyle. Are you one of them?