Today marks the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere. It heralds a time of light and warmth, of shedding the heavy layers that felt protective of my heart and body. Like many of us in the colder climes, I am feeling a sense of relief that the snow and ice have melted away as…

The world could sure use of dose of Vitamin H. Seems like every day we are barraged with news of violence, poverty, death and destruction, Earth changes, fear mongering, hatred. It takes its toll on us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Even seemingly perpetually positive people in my life are feelin’ it and wondering what…

  Yesterday I posted an article for another site for which I write, called The Good Men Project. The title is: Is God Really An Old White Dude Sitting On A Cloud in Heaven? I know it sounds controversial and may push some buttons, but the response has been heartening. Most folks have related that even…

“We all want to live in accordance with our values. But have you ever actually articulated yours? Try it.”-Blair Glaser Imagine that at birth, you were given a mirror into which was poured beliefs, ideas, concepts and world-views; placed there over the years by family, religion, culture, the media, friends, the educational system for the…

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