
Do you ever wonder how much of your life happens at random and how much ‘by divine design’. What if you could wish your life into the form that would most delight you? Many people would laugh at such a thing, believing that their lives are already mapped out for them and the ‘good things’ should make them smile and ‘bad things’ ought to make them cringe and cry. How about the idea that life happens both ways? We meander through our days, experiencing what delights and devastates us. The key is to interpret events in a manner that we can most effectively live with.

It occurs to me that while we don’t have the power to alter many circumstances, we do always have the ability to shift our perception of what goes on around us. Daily, I speak with people about happenstance and point out that just maybe certain things occur so that we can use it to be of service to someone else. I know that some of my darkest nights have turned into some of my brightest days, when I have been willing to learn from everything that happens in my life. I witnessed such incredible resilience in those around me and if I am able to look inward, I claim that for myself as well.

I live mostly in a sense of awe and wonder, an appreciation for miracles, welcoming each one as they show up and I beckon them to me. I am an opti-mystic who view the world through the eyes of possibility.

It is then that my soul dances~  Care to join me on the dance floor?



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