This morning, I joined two dear friends for brunch at Mal’s Diner in Skippack, PA.  After a heart-healthy workout in cardiac rehab, I had a heart- happy  meal of egg whites, spinach (no cheese), fresh fruit instead of home fries and dry (no butter) whole grain toast. Yvonne Kaye has been my mentor and friend for more than 25 years; a seasoned woman who describes herself as “ripening” and not aging, having become an octogenarian last year. Today was her 81st birthday. She is a wickedly (in a good way), wildly funny person, having weathered many a storm throughout her life, without capsizing her ship of dreams. Patricia Gallagher is also a thriver; having been through personal crises over which she has triumphed. She is known as The Angel Pin Lady and The Flower Lady, since she generously gives out both to random folks in nursing homes, senior centers, shelters and on the street. We represent three different decades, since she is slightly older than I am.

As I entered the restaurant and greeted them with hugs, I shared that I am still facing medical issues that I thought I had overcome. I described it as a “Now What?” moment that can either be seen as OMG, now what?  or Oh wow, now what? I much prefer the second, but from time to time (and today was one of them), it feels like the first is fully operational. We decided that we would call ourselves The Now What Club and use that as a springboard to encourage other people to move past limiting and self defeating beliefs, while giving full permission for feelings as they arise. I think we could give the Ya Ya Sisterhood a run for their money.

As we laughed our way through our time together, I have come to even more deeply appreciate the bonds that women share. Each of us has achieved a modicum of success in our fields, each has become a tough cookie when needed and each is generous with praise, support and direction for the others. We are ardent cheerleaders, encouraging stretching our comfort zones. Who knows what the next steps will be individually and collectively?  We have some ideas percolating.

How do you engage in ‘now what?’ thinking?  What is YOUR now what adventure?




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