As I am winding down from a ‘normal day’ that included cardiac rehab, a weekly team call for my job, a brainstorming call for a book for which I am a co-author, writing and planning articles, editing an article for a magazine, laundry and cleaning, it was far from average, since it is also my 56th birthday. Amazing steps and turns around the sun this past year brought heartache and heart opening, letting go of relationships and welcoming in new kindred spirits, trusting God/dess in ways I never have before, knowing that there ultimately is no choice but to do so.
This morning, I woke up to a glorious surprise. Julian Lennon had reposted one of my quotes on his page. By now, it has been sent world wide and humbly, I can say that something I have written has actually gone viral, since many thousands of people have seen it. One of the most amazing things about it is that I had no clue that I was on his radar screen until a friend told me about it. Another friend Teresa J. Phillips had designed the meme earlier in the year and then Positive Magazine got ahold of it and then Julian apparently picked it up there. Spirit was clearly working behind the scenes in the midst of my internal (mostly) and sometimes external kvetching (Yiddish for ‘complaining or whining’) that my work wasn’t being visible enough. The Universe is chuckling at my disbelief and I am laughing along, as I am starting to get the cosmic joke.