As a yoga practitioner, I like to think of myself as someone who ‘goes to my edge,’ and then a wee bit more. This is something I have been doing off the mat as well. Sometimes easier to do the former than the latter. As I am typing these words, I am aware of the hum of the dishwasher, the rapid spinning of the ceiling fan, the soul searing soundings of Loreena McKennitt, the lush greenery of some very happy plants who have become accustomed to the sweet sonics that are playing most of the time to encourage their growth. I am ensconced on the sofa in the Portland, Oregon home of my friend Tom Ziemann, author of The Department of Zenitation, who, early this year, invited me to wing westward to stay in his home for a week, and offer a presentation at a Satsang in his own personal garden of Eden that he refers to as Zen Garden. When 2016 began, I had no clue that he and his family and friends (kindred spirits all) even existed and that they would become family of choice for this spiritual wanderer.

We planned for me to speak last night and then do two days of workshops at a local bookstore/center, called New Renaissance. My heart started racing at the prospect, both with anticipation and trepidation. Could I swing it? Would I be able to allow this kind and generous soul to be the wind beneath my wings that I had prayed for? Was I totally off the wall thinking that I could have what I wanted in my life and that it could be easy? Was it possible that a ‘stranger’ (albeit one with highly attuned intuitive sensibilities) could see in me what I couldn’t always see in myself? Yes, yes, no, and  a final hardy and resounding yes.

After the presentation that was a meandering journey that I call Opti-Mystical Musings and an exquisite meditation that Tom led, that had us all transporated to bliss-land, a small group of us sat around and mused ourselves about life, the Universe and everything. Tom encouraged folks to ‘stump Edie,’ with questions that he felt would challenge me to stretch those comfort zones. I call it, ‘picking my brain,’ what there is left of it after a long day. For so many years, I have wanted to have all the answers and thought I was expected to have them to dispense. Not so, but try telling it to the aspect of myself that wants to be the go to person, the wise woman, the expert. What I have learned is that when I step aside, Spirit comes up with them for me.

This morning, over a glass of blueberry juice, Tom called me on it even further. He encouraged me to continue to be willing to let go of self imposed limitations and beliefs and really go for it! I need to be willing to risk it all for my dream.

One of the most challenging things for me is being in receptivity mode. That is more of a stretch than being asked questions that may come out of left field. I talk a good game about wanting certain things; whether it is well deserved remuneration for my work, a loving, mutually supportive life time relationship, or opportunities to do that creative endeavors that so tickle my soul. When offered, we always have a choice about whether to open the package or say ‘return to sender, address unknown.’ I much prefer the first, but too often, do the second.

How are you stretching your own comfort zones? It is so worth it. I think I am now actually taller as a result as I stand up inside myself and claim the love, wisdom, nurturing and gifts that a generous Universe holds out before me.

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