I know it’s hard to imagine that there is anything to celebrate about 2020 except that it is coming to a close. In 14 hours, as I am typing these words, the ball will have dropped in Times Square with the only audience virtual. The cheers will go up as the orb comes down. For some, there will be people around them to hug and kiss. For others, like me, the embraces and smooches will be long distance. I am actually at peace with that. I will feel my heart lift with gratitude at all the blessings I have been granted, along with the fear and doubt that have been almost constant companions beginning in the first few months of 2020. I have always talked a good game about being able to go with the flow and ride the waves of whatever shows up in my life. Sometimes I joyfully shout kowabunga! at the crest of the tide. Sometimes I flounder and sputter, feeling like I am about to drown. Always, and in all ways, I know I am supported by the people in my life and the God of my understanding. In the midst of a snarling, life-snatching pandemic, violence in the streets, a contentious election, job loss, hunger, deep depression, addiction, there remains hope. There is still much to celebrate. I am doing a ritual right now in real-time. I invite you to do the same after reading this.

20 Good Things About 2020

  1. The birth of my sweet grandson Dean on January 21st. He is my little joy boy.
  2. A kidney transplant for my friend Janet.
  3. Writing for many venues. Teaching online.
  4. Overcoming an early in the year bout of kidney stones and E Coli.
  5. New next-door neighbors with whom I have much in common.
  6. Hiring someone to mow my lawn and do landscaping.
  7. Being bolstered by uplifting music, movies, television, TEDtalks, and videos.
  8. Editing my friend Tom’s book. Editing my friend Phyllis’ book.
  9. Being a guest on various podcasts.
  10. Being interviewed for the Washington Post.
  11. Being a guest lecturer for a class at U.C. Berkeley on the topic of Social Work and Spirituality. (virtual, of course)
  12. Doing telehealth sessions with my psychotherapy clients and being hired full time since I had been working as a consultant.
  13. Learning to adjust to solitude when I am such a people person and consummate hugger.
  14. Coming to terms with ghosts from my past.
  15. Celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas with my kiddos and grandkiddo.
  16. Babysitting my rapidly growing and thriving grandson four mornings a week.
  17. Setting up a makeshift gym in my living room and losing 40 pounds since January.
  18. Celebrating our new President Biden and Vice President Harris!
  19. Maintaining my sense of humor and sanity in the midst of the insanity of the world. Seeing people accepting our interconnection.
  20. Deep bows of gratitude for my family, friends, health, home, job, spiritual faith all of whom/which sustain me.

Even if you can’t come up with 20, you could repeat one blessing 20 times!

If you have lost loved ones, lost income, lost health, lost sobriety, lost hope, my heart is with you.



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