I found this quote by author and speaker Debbie Ford and it sparked a conversation in my head, into which I would like to invite you: “Look to the outer tasks that you want to accomplish this year and ask yourself, “What kind of person could easily accomplish this? What qualities would they possess?”…

“We’re all just walking each other home.”-Ram Dass On March 27, 1924 a child was born to Henrietta and Edward Hirsch. Her name was Selma Rose and in the midst of a large extended family, which included an adoring older brother Jim, as well as 12 aunts and uncles on her mother’s side alone, she…

  Do cookbooks come any better than this?  Imagine a guide to healthy eating that would juice you up, slim you down, help save the eco-system AND enliven your sex life? The Sexy Vegan Cookbook: Extraordinary Food From An Ordinary Dude  just may be able to do all of these things. Written by Brian L. Patton whose playful…

I am a ‘Tigger’; no doubt about it. Most people who know me would agree that I am bouncy and high energy (sometimes, I wonder if annoyingly so:)  and in possession of a sense of optimism that defies circumstances. I learned the art of resilience throughout my life, seeing it on par with strength, or…

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