Children are like little sponges who soak up the environmental essence that surrounds them.  Joyfully, if they are immersed in love and nurturing, they grow and thrive, their brilliant colors emerging from them. Sadly (and sometimes tragically), if they are immersed in criticism, derision and violence whether verbal or phyisical, they may fail to thrive…

  The spring equinox – when the sun is positioned directly over the Earth’s equator– will occur at 1:14 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday March 20th…a few hours from now. Most humans (and certainly the one writing this entry) are fascinated with thresholds from one season to the next, one state of being and awareness from another. Perhaps…

  Music has the capacity to transcend borders, boundaries, religion and reason, touching places that words alone are unable to reach. That may sound strange coming from a wordsmith. Perhaps a better way to say it is that words blended with music are that much richer, fuller and juicier in their expression. It’s hard to…

  Tonight  I happened to tune into a new show, while pedaling away on the ellliptical at the gym. It is called Touch and stars Kiefer Sutherland as the widowed father of an 11 year boy who  is not verbal but who communicates with numbers and notes patterns and connections as a result. My kind…

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