If I didn’t know better, I would swear that three of my favorite authors: Dan Millman, Richard Bach and Dorothy Bryant had collaborated on the newly released novel entitled The Divine Arsonist. In the style of Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Illusions and The Kin of Ata Are Waiting For You, business man turned gifted…

When I first saw this cartoon, I laughed with knowing awareness, since it is how I and many who meditate, find the practice to go. The truth is, meditation is ‘not what you think’. My initial foray into that realm occurred under water as I swam multiple laps for many years as a competitive swimmer,…

  As I am writing this, it is still officially Leap Day…that anomaly in the calendar that occurs once every four years, an ‘extra day’ to balance out the year. It hadn’t occured to me until tonight that many people consider it a magical event as well. I was facilitating a workshop tonight called Leap…

  Cynthia Segal  (another Facebook friend) was describing to someone the way to create a certain emoticon to go along with postings.  Simply by typing the < symbol followed by the number 3 side by side, it becomes a lovely heart. Had an interesting insight  about those symbols:  “When 2 or more are gathered in my name….” …

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