“Relationships never end, because they’re of the mind; only bodies can separate. When you’re missing someone, know it just means that on a soul level they’ve come to visit.”-Marianne Williamson At 53 years  of age, I would venture a guess that I have met and loved hundreds of thousands of people..family, friends, lovers, co-workers….each…

                                                                        “Live your life as an exclamation, not an explanation…… ! “ ~Life’s Little Instructions My friend Tracy Lahr Glassey posted this quote on her Facebook page this morning and it got me to pondering how often throughout my life I felt a need to explain my reasons for feeling, thinking and acting in certain ways.…

  Do you consider yourself an artist?  Even though I don’t paint, sculpt, draw, create, perform or record music, weave fabric or take photographs, I still  fancy myself part of that fold. Some have told me that I paint word pictures with my writing. I consider anyone in creativity mode to be an artist.  Do you…

On my way home from work recently, I stopped at a local supermarket to pick up a few items. I am a consummate people watcher who enjoys observing interactions between folks. I noticed a mother and her adorable 4 or 5 year old daughter. Dressed in rainbow striped tights, a polka-dot skirt and jacket and…

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