The cover exuded a sense of serenity, as it welcomed me inside and the title carried me on the breath of  peace; much needed for this recovering Type A, go-getter. As I immersed myself in its pages, I found myself smiling in recognition of the wisdom contained within a subtle blending of the flavors of…

  Heard a stunningly simplistic bit of wisdom on Sunday morning, offered by Rev. Kenneth White who was speaking at Circle of Miracles. An interfaith minister, AIDS Activist/ Educator and playwrite (I will be interviewing Kenny shortly and you will learn more about this multi-talented Renaissance Man). His style is to the point and laced with humor,…

  As I am writing this entry, I am surrounded by sonic sweetness, offered up by a group of musicians singing in a language that is not native to them or their country of origin, but is clearly one that they have adopted and spread world wide. The CD entitled To Be Home, created by…

  My friend Kayla Finlay is a walking, talking miracle. Having healed from cancer and lost children to miscarriage and watching another  of her five children face challenges with a condition called Gardner Syndrome, which is a form of cancer, it truly amazes me that she is able to remain ‘sane and vertical’. In addition,…

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