This morning as I was driving to an appointment, I was musing about the direction my life has taken in the past year or so. Twelve months ago, I was employed full time as a web content writer, working from home and bringing in more income than I ever did as a social worker. I…

  Yesterday (September 10, 2016), I was in my nearby Bucks County town of Doylestown, PA which is about an hour outside of Philadelphia. The event was our annual Arts Festival. I love strolling the streets and running into longtime and new friends, as well as perusing the wares and creations of juried artists. In…

  When you look back down the numbers line….5, 10 or 20 years ago, could you have imagined where you would now be taking your breaths moment to moment?  Can you fathom that the people who are surrounding you these days, may have been with you all that time, or newly met? I was driving…

This morning, I received an email  newsletter from my friend, the living-life-with-full-out-audaciousness, Junie Moon Schreiber. Like so many people I know, she takes all kinds of leaps into unknown territory. She inspires me to do the same. The theme was exploring the empty spaces in our lives and deciding what will go into them. A clear and clean…

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