Tonight as I write this, snug in my bed, listening to the hum of the dishwasher and tunes on my favorite radio station, WXPN, there are others in various corners of the word who are crying, laughing, frowning, smiling, raging, celebrating, grimacing or growling over life circumstances. In my own circles, the husband of a dear friend…

Yesterday I spent a few hours in the presence of a group of folks who attended an event at Soul, Body and Home Gifts , in New Hope, PA that opened a door to connecting with loved ones who had passed. Edward Tabbitis is a medium and grief counselor who has assisted many in soothing…

“You’ve got to learn to get up from the table when love’s no longer being served.”– Nina Simone If you are the only one cooking, serving, clearing the table, washing the dishes and putting the leftovers away, it’s time to invite better dinner companions. I have learned that over the years as I had often been…

This morning, I heard this Jackson Browne classic called The Fuse that was the perfect prelude to an interview I had with Beth Long who is the editor of Doylestown Hospital’s news letter. She and I had last had a sit down conversation right before Thanksgiving. The topic back then was my feeling of gratitude that…

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