I met Susan Herrick back in the 1980’s when this music therapist turned singer songwriter was beginning what has been a twenty some year musical journey. A multi-instrumentalist and sacred sound healer, she has a 2  1/2 octave vocal range that can seem like various instruments in and of itself. Three previous releases, entitled Soul…

  Before we begin; a word of clarification …. the word ‘cult’ has come to have pejorative meaning, bringing to mind the shadow of control and abuse. This is not that type of cult. Rather, it is an homage to a man called John Frum who was representative of an experience during WW II when GIs…

This morning, I am listening to my favorite radio station, WXPN in Philadelphia,  while tip tapping away at the keyboard. Two of my beloved activities. Sipping ginger tea to soothe a wee bit of a sore throat. In a few hours, I will be sitting in session with a client who I have been counseling for…

What do you look for in a friendship?  I imagine that most people enjoy spending time with someone they consider a kindred spirit, of like mind and with a sense of compatibility. Chances are, they want someone who is fun-loving, responsive to their needs, who cares about them and respects them. They are inclined to…

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