Last night I joined with a group of friends to open arms and hearts and embrace life full on. Periodically, I throw a party that takes the love that knows no language barrier, to the streets of the nearby town of Doylestown, PA. What happens is nothing short of a miracle each time. The…

 “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”-Albert Einstein “While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.”-Francis of Assisi “Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.”-Buddha PEACE ON EARTH— These lovely words merely scratch…

Take a moment and think back 20 years. The calendar read 1995. The world was in turmoil with news about wars and famine capturing headlines. On the flip side, there was also an epic blending of culture when the Russian space station Mir (Russian for peace) docked with the US shuttle. The perfect juxtaposition and…

 Every morning, we unfold a new 24 hour period, like a sheet fresh off the clothesline where it has been drying in a sweet breeze. We stretch it out and do our best not to let it drag in the dirt or fly away in a stiff wind. By the end of the day, we…

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