I like Sally Field….I really, really like her. She was a staple in my childhood when I grew up watching Gidget and The Flying Nun. Today, worlds apart from the beach setting of the first show and the Puerto Rican convent in which Sister Bertille lived, in the second program, Field takes on the role of Doris Miller in…

  I said Kaddish for my father last night as today honors the 8th anniversary of his passing. Hard to imagine that he has been off the planet that long. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was driving on a major highway and got the call that I needed to hightail it…

In full blown life mode today. Honoring the whirl of the world. Births, deaths, celebrations, chaos, pain and pleasure. Between them we dance. Creative ideas swirling about; brain too cluttered at the moment to make sense of them. Taking time to work through thoughts and feelings rather than react to them. Being with. In full…

I have been in conversation lately with friends who are grieving losses of all kinds. Some are with beloved humans who have passed or have left the relationship and others adored animals; one a mama goat named Goatita. The essence is the same even as the form is different. We have agreed that it is an…

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