What does it mean to be an artist?  For some, the image of paint splattered hands and canvas comes to mind, hours spent holding a brush whose job it is to take ideas from the mind of the one in whose fingers it is grasped and translate it to visual input. For others, it echoes with…

  Facebook friend Jolene Setterfield shared an experience she had while traveling on a train in her home in London that gave me  the giggles, certain that I needed to write about it.  Just so’s you know….there really isn’t much that isn’t grist for the mill/fodder for my writing. ” Spent half the train journey…

  Tonight I saw a message from a friend who spoke about a mini-disappointment and commented “This is so not my night.”  I jokingly responded “So, I want to know whose night it is and who has YOUR night?” As I am writing this, I am listening to my favorite Sunday night radio show on…

                                                                                                    I met Renaissance Woman Nan Cardella more than 10 years ago through mutual friends and was impressed by her eclectic blend of the mainstream and spiritual; they ways she moved through life, seemingly knowing that the Highest Good would prevail. I enjoyed hanging out with friends she gathered around her, making music, splashing in her…

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