What is your comfort zone? Is it the area that is only at arm’s length or does it stretch waaaayyyy beyond that? For so many, it is only as far as they can see with their ocular senses. For this ‘opti-mystic’ who views life through the eyes of possibility, it is nearly boundless. I…

  Have you ever felt like a crayon that didn’t quite fit in to the Crayola box, no matter how much you wanted to? Your unique color and flavor seemed weird instead. As a child  with glasses, asthma and foot issues that required clunky, red orthopedic shoes, I had often felt like a differently colored crayon,…

As I am writing this entry, immersed in what I excel (words) my BFF Barb who came into my life when we were 14 and sitting on a bench at a swim meet in our hometown of Willingboro, NJ, is immersed in one of the things she does best that I cringe when I look…

                                                                                          My friend Maureen Finney posted this message on Facedbook today and it jumped out at me and said “BOO!” and then giggled mischievously. “When I scare myself, which I tend to do from time to time, I ask myself in this scarenerio….what if this were alright? What if nothing around me holds any powerful…

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