I met  Mary Flinn a few weeks ago when my friend Peggy Tileston taught a Laughter Yoga class for World Laughter Day at Mary’s cozy yoga studio in Mt. Airy which is a culturally rich and diverse neighborhood in Philadelphia, where people greet each other warmly as they walk by or hang out at Weavers Way Food Co-op. When…

                                                                                      A few days ago, a co-worker was talking about her Ph.D dissertation which is on the subject of resilience. I offered to let her pick my brain (what’s left of it these days), since it is at the core of what I teach my clients, many of whom have faced major traumas throughout their…

                                                                     A friend passed along this video link that is an advertisement for Taiwanese TC Bank. It is a beautifully rendered short story in 3:11 seconds about a group of octogenerian men who decided to look aging, illness, loss, grief and physical limitation in the face and laugh right straight at it by takin’ it to…

                             A few years ago, while in the midst of intense internal spiritual expoloration, I was walking on the vividly green grounds of the hospital where I work. I was engaged in Divine Dialog and at one point, had questioned whether the life changes I sought would ever come to be.  At that moment, a truck rumbled…

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