If circumstances were different, I would be dancing into a Solstice celebration tonight. I was invited to three events that all involve music, fun, friends, food and a tribal welcoming in of the longest day of the year that heralds Summer in the Northern hemisphere. As joyful as that all sounds, instead I am…

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article for a monthly magazine that has been a home for my words for awhile. It’s  called Inner Child Magazine which is the heart and brain-child of Janet Caldwell and William F. Peters, Jr.  The piece is called Is Holding On Keeping You From Letting Go?  In it, I explored the…

Recent Facebook posting: “Loving seeing pieces of my life flowing into place now on all fronts~  This past winter was one of letting go, letting go, letting go, sometime willingly, sometimes reluctantly-metaphorically kicking and screaming. Frozen feelings, needing to chip through the ice, other times, allowing it to melt. Now that spring is here, I…

  This weekend, I had the ultimate joy of officiating at the wedding of a young cousin as he married the love of his life whom he had met 9 years earlier in the New Jersey shore town of Wildwood. Introduced by a friend who has since passed into Spirit, they sensed that there was…

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