An irresistable invitation arrived to venture southward from my suburban Philadelphia home to Washington, DC for what I knew would be an epic event.  It has been eons in the making and I sensed that many others heard the same beckoning. It read: “There is a Tibetan myth that when 1000 Goddesses or Taras unite,…

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” – Meister Eckhart A few days have passed since my home was filled with many kindred spirts and soul friends. Some are talented musicians and their sonic sweetness is still reverberating throughout the structure as I am soaking…

During the ten days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; which are also known as The High Holy Days in the Jewish tradition in which I was raised, we contemplate the year that has gone by, as well as the one stretching out before us. As I type these words, I am experiencing another beginning. I…

As a seasoned woman approaching her 58th birthday next week, I have fallen prey to the dreaded ‘middle aged moments’. I am too young to refer to them as ‘senior moments.’ I also call them my ‘wise woman moments,’ since ideally, as we get older, we get wiser. It takes the form of walking into…

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