“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.”-Dolly Parton  and Zig Ziglar (I have seen it attributed to both of them) Smiles are portable, all occasion, free and contagious. If you are in a room filled with smiling people, I dare you to keep a straight face.  Lots of reasons to…

There is an ancient story that I have heard and shared many times over the years. I pull it out whenever someone mentions that something that has happened to them or someone they know as ‘bad luck’ or ‘bad news’.   A Chinese farmer gets a horse, which soon runs away. A neighbor says, “That’s…

In a hospital bed, surrounded by machines that beep and hiss, pump and pull, add fluids and flush them away, a warrior woman lies as she sets moment to moment intention to remain on this side of the veil. Diagnosed with cancer, her world which once included travel, military service, creative endeavors, a business, education…

This morning, I opened my e-mail box and out tumbled this message: “Just wanted to formally announce, Edie, that the world is indeed ready for ALL of you. Go on. Love, The Universe” Mike Dooley, who created TUT (Totally Unique Thoughts) is the man behind the wise words, channeled through him and delivered each day.…

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