The holidays had me in the company of loved ones from all of the overlapping soul circles in my life. Some were family of birth and others family of choice, that entered my world unexpectedly and intentionally. Gratitude flows for each one of them. In early December, I hosted our annual Latke Party to celebrate…

It is Christmas Eve Eve and I am doing my best to stay awake until midnight to hear the first song of an annual event called The Night Before on WXPN which is a member supported station based here in Philadelphia. The host, named Robert Drake stays up  for 24 hours from midnight tonight until…

Last night, I sat in a circle with 26 other women from several generations. The youngest was in her 20’s and others were in their 30’s through my age (50’s) and still others were slightly older. We each brought our life experiences, spiritual practices and beliefs. What we had in common was a desire to…

We are all relational beings, coming into the world hard-wired for connection to each other. Bonding takes place in family of birth, if we are fortunate. There are those, sadly, who miss out on the heart and soul safety in the families into which they are born. I have witnessed the impact as I have…

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