Feeling emotionally raw at the moment, having just returned from a day of honoring my friend Delane Lipka. I had written about another extraordinary day in a previous Beliefnet article called In the Garden of Eden that described a gathering of kindred spirits that had been organized by Delane. For decades, she had run Mount…

My definition of cosmic coincidence are those events that have me shaking my head in bewildered awe, asking “What are the chances that such a thing could happen?”  My answer is always the same. “100%, since it occurred.” It is that encounter with just the right person, hearing a song on the radio right after…

Yesterday was brought to me by the letter ‘S’ for surrender. At cardiac rehab in the morning, I blasted out a whole bunch of energy on the elliptical and treadmill, so that by the time I got to the recumbent bicycle, I was majorly winded and needed to slow down my pace and couldn’t finish the…

I spent the day today basking in the sun, dashing in the rain, lounging in a hammock, enjoying healthy munchies, singing, dancing, drumming, hugging, smiling, laughing; all in the presence of kindred spirits. No wonder the event I attended was called Kindred Spirits Labor Day of Love. I was surrounded by sweet souls; hosted by…

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