I love to ponder the thread that connects people and events. Roll back the clock to 1972. Sitting on a wooden slatted bench, painted blue if memory serves, two chlorinated, sun-burned latex bathing-suited 14-year-olds struck up a conversation. Swimming on “two different teams together,” according to one of them, that chat (I don’t even recall…

Kindred spirits find each other, no matter how far distant they might be geographically. As it turns out, a sister Free Hugger named Vanessa L. White Fernandes lives a few hours across the state of Pennsylvania from me. We cyber met through the phenom of Facebook and as I read her recent release entitled The Hugging…

Today is National Honesty Day. What if we told the truth about ourselves, our lives, our feelings, our intentions, but delivered it with love, diplomacy, and compassion? I endeavor to do that each day. Sometimes I have to put my hand over my mouth to avoid delivering my truth in a way that doesn’t fit…

Take a deep breath and then let loose with a deep belly laugh. Then another and another. I’ll wait. I bet that felt good. I know it does when I do it. We are born to laugh, hardwired for it. Watch a child explore the world and more often than not, it will include a whole…

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