I want patience and I want it NOW!  If you are anything like me, there are times when things just aren’t happening quickly enough. Traffic, payment for services rendered, responses to emails and phone calls, my own accomplishments all seem like they move at a snail’s pace when my inner two year old is out…

  I had been familiar with a profoundly simple modality called The Work of Byron Katie for many years, having interviewed the woman with the gender neutral name, who  has indeed become a household name partly by virtue of her first book called Loving What Is, her appearance on Oprah and being featured in TIME…

  My friend Lyn Stankavage Hicks offered this wisdom that jumped off the page at me first thing this morning, that beckoned to be shared and expounded upon. “Imagine – image in! The creative imagination is our highest tool! It has to do with images! Hold pictures of what you want to become! Yes others’…

  Heard this version of Louis Armstrong’s classic of Wonderful World tonight.  There is a spoken piece in which ‘Satchmo’  is sharing his wisdom as an elder about what really matters.  His words “Love, baby, love…that’s the secret.”,  gave me truth-barometer goosebumps. What if it really was as simple as all that and that everything we…

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