In case you are wondering, ‘The Five Tibetans’ are not a musical quintent from the Himalayas, but rather a series of life changing, and according to those who utilize them; ‘youthing’ yogic exercises. I initially encountered  them a year or so ago, as taught by my friend Gael Chiarella Alba.  I found them to be a bit challenging,…

                                                            What would your day, your life, the world be like if you had no complaints?  As we can only be responsible for our own thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and actions, it really does start with each of us. I have heard people blame ‘society’ for their woes. The truth is ‘we are society too’.  …

                                                   September 11th, 2001 began like any other day for me, as a Social Worker in a nursing home in Philadelphia. I had walked into the dining room on my floor where some of the Residents were finishing their breakfast. The tv was on and what I saw, felt very much like an action…

                                                                       In a few days, a pivotal event will occur that will have people either enciting fear and anger, creating more separation and polarization or standing together in world wide connection, embracing unity and heralding a time of peaceful co-existence. Unless you have been living in isolation in a cave, you are aware that…

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