One of my favorite  movies is called Harold and Maude. A classic made in 1971, it features a quirky relationship between a young man named Harold played by Bud Cort who is obsessed with suicide and 79 year old Maude played by Ruth Gordon who loves life.  They meet at a funeral of someone…

                                                                      I received an invitation to connect with someone on facebook the other day that tickled me. This was a man who had a poetic way of expressing himself as he requested ‘friending’ me. At the end of it, he said he was “blowing me some love.” Immediately the image of a massive bubble…

                                                  My friend Cindy is a dynamo who wears many hats…interfaith minister, massage therapist, artist, writer, teacher, photographer and all around accomplished Renaissance woman. She is known among her many friends as a loving, giving, you can-count-on-go-to-person. This past weekend, she spent time in the presence of 6 dogs and 4 birds…critter sitting, I would…

                                                                        I have known my friend Janet Berkowitz since the early 1980’s when she laughed and hugged her way into my life via our mutual friend Alan Cohen. Back then, she held a secret that I didn’t know about until many years later. This artist, poet, mime…altogether creative soul had been experiencing the darkest…

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