In 2006, I had  submitted an essay into a  contest with the theme “Love Begins With Me” for Global Love Day.  A short while after I sent it in, I received an email from the Founder of the organization, a love luminary named Harold W. Becker, telling me that what had arrived via snail mail had a bite…

This is one of those ‘confessional’ blog entries in which I come out of the closet and acknowlege that I am….oh my gosh….human. I present as someone who is confident, self assured, independent, a self starter. Once I get on the metaphorical bicycle, I keep pedaling to maintain momentum. At my full time day job in…

A few years ago, my friend Naila Francis had asked those she knew to send her a poem called These Hands that would describe the ways in which we used our hands in our day to day lives. It was a beautiful mindfulness exercise for me and on occasion now, I bring to my awareness of what…

                                                                      Choice or Chance?  Free will or B’shert (Hebrew for ‘meant to be’)? Divine Plan or Random Occurence?  Do you believe that you are at the effect of a Higher Purpose for your life that was scripted by God or that you make choices moment by moment?  Perhaps a combination of the two? These are the themes…

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