The world calls out each day for those I think of as “Spiritual Warriors” to respond with implements of healing, rather than weapons of war.  In my mind, that would be someone who, to paraphrase Mother Teresa is willing to attend a ‘pro peace’ rather than ‘anti war’ gathering. I have found that when…

“Ask and you shall receive.” are familiar words and yet how often, do we ask and even when we feel brave enough to voice our desires, do we actually stand ready to embrace what it is we have requested?  Published by Tarcher/Penguin, the book entitled The Power of Receiving: A Revolutionary Approach to Giving Yourself…

A few years ago, my friend Naila Francis had asked those she knew to send her a poem called These Hands that would describe the ways in which we used our hands in our day to day lives. It was a beautiful mindfulness exercise for me and on occasion now, I bring to my awareness of what…

Likely every person reading this entry was raised in a particular faith tradition. Each contains the wisdom and the wonder of Divine creation, an explanation for how things came to be and the ways in which they are sustained.  If used for a Higher Purpose, they unify, rather than separate. Somewhere along the way, however, there…

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