What is light? According to online dictionary Encarta: energy producing brightness: the energy producing a sensation of brightness that makes seeing possible quality of light: a particular kind or quality of brightness artificial source of light: an artificial source of illumination, e.g. an electric lamp or a candle In spiritual terms, light is of the…

I love movies, From the time I was a child, walking into The Fox Theater in Willingboro, NJ (and as silly as it might seem, before I entered the building, at around the age of 3, I really believed we were going to be inside the belly of a giant fox:) to watch a Disney movie, I was…

This past Sunday, I was attending services at Circle of Miracles, an interfaith community in Doylestown, PA.  There I was surrounded by loving kindred spirits as we listened with rapt attention to my friend David Young share his sparks of soul wisdom with the capacity crowd.  David is a musician whose work spans a few…

I was listening to my local NPR station (WHYY in Philadelphia) this evening and heard a remarkable interview with Jeremiah Lockwood who fronts the band The Sway Machinery. Based in Brooklyn, New York, it takes traditional Jewish cantorial music (chanted in synagogue by a song leader known as a cantor) and sets it to rhythms that…

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