An event of monumental proportions and horrific implications that lives in the collective consciousness of the planet, is the backdrop for this psycho-spiritual novel penned by Ithaca, New York based writer named J. Pierre Reville. September 11, 2001 is the date and the interwoven bi-coastal stories are shared by two parallel male characters named…

Tonight, I will kindle the third candle of Hanukkah and watch as the flame flickers in the Ba Gua (Feng Shui) mirror behind my stove where the menorah is placed. On the ledge above it sits a blue and white Buddha whose arms are raised in joy to the heavens. For the past 17 years I have used…

As I am writing this, the calendar is on the final page which signals that by this time 30 days from now, we will be in the year 2016. Hard to imagine that as a child of the 1960’s I would be measuring time with those digits. It felt so far in the distance, like…

It’s that time of year again. The classic film It’s A Wonderful Life is broadcasting in time for the holidays. The tale of hyper-responsible dreamer George Bailey plays itself out for the world to see and celebrate. I have watched it dozens of times and delight in the telling of the difference one person can…

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