Many’s the time I have bemoaned that wished- for experiences had not occurred as I thought they ‘should’. Jobs, relationships, return on investment of my time would wait on the other side of a transparent wall, thumbing their collective noses and blowing raspberries at me. It was then that I was reminded by the inner…

I consider myself a conscious entrepreneur. To me that means that I am in it for the outcome, so that what I do is of service AND the income, since I want my work to support myself as well as the world. Much of my education and experience has been in the human services/mental health…

I am a spiritual Trekkie. Never been to a convention. Once dressed in Star Fleet uniform at Universal Studios 20 some years ago. When Star Trek debuted on this day in 1966, I was almost 8 years old. I was fascinated with the motley crew of beings from all over the universe and imagined being…

Hard to imagine that this was the final session of ten that I signed up for with  Debra/Deva Troy who used the modality called Facial Reflex Therapy created by Lone Sorensen. This beautifully hybrid treatment incorporates techniques from around the world and has had me see and feel profound changes in the period of time from when I…

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