The Bliss Blog

Today as I was speaking with a client, he mentioned that he tends to “dwell on” all of the things that could go wrong in his life. I asked him about this ‘dwelling’ and the alternate meaning of the word. He smiled and said that it meant a place to live. I reminded him that…

Just finished watching a movie that my son has been encouraging me to view for the past few months. “It’s your kind of movie, Mom,” insisted my 25 year old cynic, who pretends not to be spiritual, but secretly, I think he is. So, we sprawled in the living room, and traveled The Camino with…

This weekend, I trekked down to Maryland and spent time with a group of stretchers and seekers; those who were willing to dive in deep, go wide, dance with their demons and the Divine. The workshop called Come As You Are invited us to peel off the layers that we thought had protected us and…

Did you ever feel as if a book was written just for you and the author had done a Vulcan Mind Meld and effectively tapped into your deepest desires and most heart rending fears?  This writer and her book did exactly that for this reviewer.  Harvard educated attorney, Tama Kieves left a ‘secure’ job as…

  As evening descends on Yom Kippur, I am pleasantly full following a day of fasting. I broke the fast at the home of my friends Barb and Glenn Cohen. I have known Barb since we were 14 and we became ‘blood sisters’ way back when. As seasoned women, we have seen each other through…

  ..In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you  shall afflict your souls, and you shall not do any work … For on that day he  shall provide atonement for you to cleanse you from all your sins before the  L-RD. -Leviticus 16:29-30 Having been raised in the Jewish faith, attending…

“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars: you have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” C.S. Lewis When I was a little girl, I liked to climb things, get dirty, play in the mud, ride my bike, skate, sled,  and fly a kite. I also enjoyed…

  This weekend heralded the Fall Equinox here in the Western Hemisphere. In my world, that means acknowledging the seasonal changes by gathering with kindred spirits at the home of my friends Stephen and Kathy Redding at Happy Tree Farm in rural Pennsylvania. As an arborist, I think of him as being like The Lorax…

  Thank you, danke schoen, gracias, gratzie, merci, tak, toda rabah, pan parius,  Go raibh mile maith agaibh ….I discovered a list of ways to express gratitude that if layed out end to end would likely surround the room I am sitting in as I write this blog entry. Although I express gratitude throughout my day,…

As joyful as the image on the cover, “This” is the newest creation by Mantra-Pop Artist Robin Renee. With four previous CD’s to her credit, her style is alt-rock-pop-celtic-folk-kirtan. Her voice is both deep and soaring, stretching the sound spectrum. An Eastern and Western multi-instrumentalist, Robin plays harmonium, guitar and keyboard.  My first listen was in the car…

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