The Bliss Blog

  I am in awe when people take their creative gifts and pour forth beauty and magic, dousing the world in delight.  Amy Zerner and Monte Farber do just that. I encountered their creations years ago, and was beckoned into their ‘enchanted world’ in which faeries and Goddesses join hands in the dance of the…

One of the many hats I wear is that of a psychiatric social worker, serving people with varying degrees of mental health issues and challenges.  I view these symptoms and the people who experience them in ways that are outside the realm of the medical model.  Rather than seeing pathology, I come from a strengths…

Take a moment to breathe in the day; drinking in all of the sensations that surround you. Breath is essential and without it, life would cease to exist. As you exhale, chant the word ‘om’.  I like the idea that some of my favorite words contain these two letters:  Shalom (Hebrew for hello, goodbye and peace)…

A facebook friend  named  Kim Summers posted this quote today, perhaps for me to find at just the right time.    “Remembering that the Butterfly becomes the Butterfly, because of the tight confines of her cocoon. She needed that time. That experience served her well. It made her wings strong…… Focusing on the flight!!”  …

What is light? According to online dictionary Encarta: energy producing brightness: the energy producing a sensation of brightness that makes seeing possible quality of light: a particular kind or quality of brightness artificial source of light: an artificial source of illumination, e.g. an electric lamp or a candle In spiritual terms, light is of the…

I am increasingly amazed at the quality of young people I have in my life.  Ian Montgomery and his dedication to being a force for good in the world, give me hope for the future.  He happens to be yet another teen cousin who has taken the values and guidance of his parents and turned…

  Take a moment in the stillness of your mind and the fullness of your heart to recall those you love who are no longer in body. Whatever your spiritual belief tells you about where they are or what they might be doing, you know that they are always going to be part of you since you…

“There are four questions of value in life… What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.” –Don Juan de Marco   I recall watching this 1994 movie starring Johnny Depp, Marlon Brando…

  This experience harkens back a few years, but it is every bit as timely today as it was then; a journal entry of sorts…   “I received an email from my friend Peter Moses a few weeks ago, as part of a request to  forward a press release for a fundraiser for an organization we…

I love movies, From the time I was a child, walking into The Fox Theater in Willingboro, NJ (and as silly as it might seem, before I entered the building, at around the age of 3, I really believed we were going to be inside the belly of a giant fox:) to watch a Disney movie, I was…

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