The Bliss Blog

I think people have a certain image of me, that I am always (or mostly) bubbling over with bliss, oozing love and light and sprinkling glitter everywhere. Yes, that is a part of my persona, but there are other aspects since we contain multitudes. Someone responded to one of my posts on Facebook about boycotting…

The calendar page has turned from 2016 to 2017. Some would say, “not a moment too soon,” as a result of seemingly daily losses of notables and the current socio-political climate.  Since the election here in the United States, levels of anxiety and depression have increased dramatically. Regardless of which side of the fence you position…

My friend Kai Karrel came into my life in the past five or six years as a teacher of spiritual ideology that he puts into direct practice. He refers to himself as a “writer, a poet, a mystic and a spiritual adventurer.” He is a divinely human and humanly divine soul brother. Kai spent years in…

Love. Time Death. Three concepts that loom large in the human psyche’. Something none of us can escape; try though we might. Ideas that motivate and inspire us. Lenses through which we can view all of our relationships with people who cross our path; some family of origin and others family of choice who take…

A friend posted something on her Facebook page, in which the discussion was about how she might answer a question from a child about social conscience and consciousness. The query, “What did you do, once you knew?”echoed in my mind as well.  We are bombarded with input about tragedy and trauma that occur on a…

What would the world ‘look like’ if you couldn’t see appearances? Not skin color, not body size, not gender, not shape, not disability; simply people.  This thought came to me as I was speaking with a teenage girl who disparaged her looks, for the simple reason that she perceived her peers as being more attractive…

Is resilience learned or is it something that we are hardwired with at birth? According to the American Psychological Association, “Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. It means…

A month ago, much of the adult population of the United States exercised their right as citizens to cast their vote for the candidate they felt would best match their beliefs and serve their needs as president.  As the polls closed and the votes were tallied, what many thought would never occur, came to pass.…

A month or so ago, I was introduced to a world changing peaceful force of two. Mother and son team of Jannirose and Charlie Fenimore came to my awareness via my friend Cindy Greb. Charlie is a young man with special gifts to share and they are wrapped in an easy to love package; simplicity and…

Just finished reading my friend Kristina Robb-Dover’s recent column called Trump in Jesus’ Name: The Tragedy for Christian Public Witness. I was deeply moved by her profession of faith combined with her solid stand for those who have reason to fear following the election. She courageously called out those whose cognitive dissonance about the tragically…

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