The Bliss Blog

As Jews all over the world approach the High Holy Days, we are called upon to face ourselves in a metaphorical mirror and take stock of our lives in the past year. The image isn’t always pretty, but it is real.  As I rewind the clock to September, 2013, I witness a woman whose life was on…

  Today I entered a world filled to the brim with color and texture, light and sound, love and laughter. A place where I could transform whimsical ideas into tangible objects. My friend Renee Bures is an art therapist who brought Alchemy Open Studio in Doylestown, PA into the world several years ago. Each Sunday, she…

Wise people are everywhere. Today I met a wise woman while waiting to see my cardiologist. She was the receptionist who greeted me from behind her sliding glass (slid open, of course) window.  When she asked how I was doing since my last visit and I gave her an update, she responded:  “You are turning…

  Yesterday, in the midst of a radio interview with Kerri Kannan,  I was asked a question about vulnerability. It is a topic that has become as familiar as the fingers typing these words. I was awakened to it when viewing a TEDTalk by Brene’ Brown a year or so ago. It doesn’t come easily…

This morning, I joined two dear friends for brunch at Mal’s Diner in Skippack, PA.  After a heart-healthy workout in cardiac rehab, I had a heart- happy  meal of egg whites, spinach (no cheese), fresh fruit instead of home fries and dry (no butter) whole grain toast. Yvonne Kaye has been my mentor and friend…

Feeling emotionally raw at the moment, having just returned from a day of honoring my friend Delane Lipka. I had written about another extraordinary day in a previous Beliefnet article called In the Garden of Eden that described a gathering of kindred spirits that had been organized by Delane. For decades, she had run Mount…

This morning marks 3 months since I experienced the kind of pain that cracks you open and has you revealing the emotional viscera that had long lay dormant. Literally at this moment, I was captured by the symptoms of a heart attack- searing heart burn pain, jaw tightness and wringing wet sweats. I say this,…

My definition of cosmic coincidence are those events that have me shaking my head in bewildered awe, asking “What are the chances that such a thing could happen?”  My answer is always the same. “100%, since it occurred.” It is that encounter with just the right person, hearing a song on the radio right after…

As I was on my daily walk today, decked out in my navy blue t-shirt with the word TRANSFORM scripted on the front of it, it occurred to me that if I want to transform any aspect of my life, there are several essential ingredients. 1-Quoting Joe Jackson “You can’t get what you want, til you know…

Willaru Huayta is a well respected spiritual guide who makes his way through the world, honoring the deep and abiding connection with Spirit, the Earth, and its inhabitants. According to his website  “He was born into the Quetchua tribe in a village high in the Andes mountains. Though raised as a child in a life customary to the Andean highlands, Willaru…

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