The problem with evangelicals today is that so many have lost confidence in Jesus. I think that explains the problems that all of us have with them today.
Consider this from Michael:
“What unites evangelicals is that they believe something is wrong with American culture and that they can help set it aright. ‘Cultural redemption’ is a phrase I heard from a lot of the people I interviewed.”
Note that he didn’t say what unites evangelicals today is their belief that the Gospel of Jesus is so life-transforming, so utterly staggering, that to put that Gospel into action through sacrificially loving their neighbor would be change the world.

Note too this:
“One of the most striking things about the powerful evangelicals I interviewed is that many of them were really disengaged from their local congregations, opting instead to find spiritual support in small fellowship groups, Bible studies, and in programs sponsored by parachurch groups. They’d rather be on the board of a national organization like Young Life than the board of elders at their local Presbyterian church.”
Many in the evangelical elite, it seems, are so obsessed with changing the world that they have forgotten one of Jesus’ truths – that change starts on the micro and not on the macro level.
This is all understandable. It is an obsession that I am often tempted to share because as one who follows Jesus, I am one who longs to see a world that looks more like the Kingdom of Heaven – the Kingdom he describes in the Sermon on the Mount. It is easier to think of that world being ushered in through legislation or ‘cultural redemption’ when, in fact, the only way that it can happen is through the very long-term leavening of a great awakening, first in the churches and then downstream in politics and culture and education.
Now it will likely be true that even if the church itself does undergo a massive transformation and does become synonymous with the Kingdom of Heaven, there will be those opposed to it. Jerry gets it right: “…those who have formed generalized opinions of Evangelicals (thanks to a few noisy ones) will still claim they know what we’re all about: that we hate gays, want to control women’s bodies, vote straight Republican, honor Israel only because we believe a certain number of Jews have to be converted before Jesus can return — and that this honoring involves unquestioning support of every political and military decision made by the Knesset, insist on a Christian nation, and gloat over John 14:6, wherein Jesus is quoted as being the only way to God.”
That is where I am encouraged by people like Jeff and Hanna who are willing to dig past the stereotypes.
That journalistic integrity is going to be sorely needed in the next year if Sen. Clinton does become the Democratic nominee because there will be three equally powerful responses. There will be those who attack her with almost endless hate. Some will call themselves evangelical. There will be those who defend her faith and her integrity. Some will call themselves evangelical. There will be those who pay little attention to either and who spend their lives doing the work of Jesus in loving and caring for their neighbors.
My hope is that some of the press attention will be given to that last community of people, because the reality is they will be the largest group of American evangelicals.

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