Levi Johnston is running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.

But wait, it gets worse. The almost son-in-law of former Wasilla mayor Sarah Palin’s campaign will be the subject of a new reality show currently being pitched to the networks called Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor’s Office.

So, now the election process is being subverted for the cause of great reality television as producers know bounds or recognize no distinction between real reality and TV’s version of reality.

It was just this past week that it was announced that Ryan and Tatum O’Neal will attempt to repair their tattered father-daughter relationship before the glare of reality TV cameras. Did anyone associated with this proposed show (including Ryan and Tatum) even consider the possibility that such a reconciliation might be better accomplished in private?

The producers of Levi’s new show, Stone and Co. (and, no, I didn’t forget the “d” at the end of Stone), no doubt hope that he’s elected so that they can get a nice long-running realicom out of it.  Would his election (he’s got name recognition going for him) actually be good for the people of Wasilla? Who cares? It’s good television, not good government, that’s really important.

At what point does the blurring of the lines between real life and television cross a moral line?

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