Welcome to your daily report and commentary from the intersection of Faith & Media.Pope Benedict speaks out against using God to justify violence. “All religions should encourage the correct use of reason and promote ethical values to build civil coexistence,” Benedict said. “Religions can never justify intolerance and war.” Story. Amen. False equivalence between the…

Welcome to your daily report and commentary from the intersection of Faith & Media. A study by the the consumer research firm Experian Simmons finds that America’s political (and, perhaps, religious) divide expresses itself interestingly in an entertainment divide — particularly involving what Republicans (most likely conservatives) and Democrats (most likely liberals) watch on television.…

Welcome to your daily report and commentary from the intersection of Faith & Media. What the @#$%^&* has happened to television?A study by the Parents Television Council finds that the use of prime-time broadcast-network profanity has soared in just the last five years. Highlights of the report include: 1.  Using absolute totals, across all networks…

Welcome to your daily report and commentary from the intersection of Faith & Media. They’re back! None of these returns are quite the Second Coming but they’re kinda interesting. George W. Bush began his Decision Points book blitz by sitting down with Matt Lauer. He wasn’t always right but his mistakes were, I believe, honest…

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