Some new headlines involving Faith & Media:

Leave it to Beaver.  View trailer to Mel Gibson’s potential comeback vehicle. Directed and co-starring his friend Jodie Foster the plot of The Beaver is described as “an emotional story about a man on a journey to re-discover his family and
re-start his life. Plagued by his own demons, Walter Black was once a successful
toy executive and family man who now suffers from depression.  No matter what he
tries, Walter can’t seem to get himself back on track…until a beaver hand puppet
enters his life.” 
I wish both Walter Black and the actor who portrays him God’s speed in overcoming their personal demons.

Deep insight or political correctness? Liam Neeson, voice of Aslan the Lion in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (the new Chronicles of Narnia film from Walden Media), says this of his character (widely interpreted as a Christ-like figure): “Aslan symbolises a Christ-like figure but he also symbolises for me Mohammed,
Buddha and all the great spiritual leaders and prophets over the
centuries. That’s who Aslan stands for as well as a mentor figure for kids – that’s
what he means for me.”
  The talented actor (who gave one of the great performances in Schindler’s List) has a right to his opinion — but, I suspect, C.S. Lewis (the devout Christian author of the Narnia books) might disagree. Not to take anything away from those great leaders but I think its likely that Lewis would say that the symbolism of Narnia is, specifically, Christian. In any event, it looks like a good movie. Read Story. View Trailer.

J.P. Morgan Chase bans Christmas trees at its bank branches. I guess I won’t be opening my Christmas Club account there. Read Story.

Happy Birthday to The Catholic Channel on SiriusXM. It officially launched four years ago on December 4, 2006. I actually worked there as the producer of its morning Seize the Day with Gus Lloyd program for the first two years or so of its existence (succeeded by the very-talented Emily Marlow). If the channel survived me, I believe it will be around for a very long time. Siriusly, there  are some very nice people there. And a Sirius suggestion for Sirius programming execs: Cut a demo hosted by Mike & Jackie (who work behind the scenes at The Catholic Channel). You’ll find lightning in a bottle. 

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