Yesterday I wrote about spending part of my weekend attending a grade school reunion at St. Michael’s in Flushing, NY. Well, the rest of my weekend was spent at New York’s Comic Con (on behalf of my JWKMedia/Creative Universe endeavors). While there I treated myself to watching a preview of the new season of ABC’s…

I spent part of this past Columbus Day weekend attending a reunion at my old grade school, St. Michael’s in Flushing, NY. I was from the class of ’71 but the reunion was open to all alumni from any year. The event was actually organized by my sister Mary Ann Oliva who serves as a…

Hollywood has finally figured out that there is an audience for movies that portray Christians as heroes (or at least decent people) rather than intolerant boobs or Bible-quoting psychopaths. And, beyond that, it may just be that people prefer stories that portray hope over cynicism. The latest in the trend is Disney’s Secretariat which chronicles…

For most of the past week, this space has focused on What the Pope Knew, a CNN documentary that aired Saturday night on the subject of the Pope Benedict XVI’s role in handling allegations of child sexual abuse by priests that came to his attention while (as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) heading Congregation for the Doctrine…

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